Complex chemical problems solved

Rutpen_preview edit_tmbRutpen spent three days at Southern Manufacturing 2018 discussing solutions to visitor’s chemical dilemmas, be they sourcing bespoke liquid and powder or solvent blends for a production need, solvent waste recycling, or outsourcing chemical contract manufacture.

Clients range from major brand owners, and industrial and highly technical manufacturing businesses through to start-up entrepreneurs with great ideas. Typical examples include metal treatment products used in all engineering sectors, wood treatment products and process treatment chemicals, all of which can be in anything from small bottles to tank fills.

The company also recycles waste solvents from production processes in the automotive and other industries.

It can help clients wanting to develop a new product, find a new source for an existing product or solve a chemical-related problem. The expert technical team can work with your chemical formulations or develop bespoke solutions to meet exact needs, taking projects from the lab to full-scale production. Find out more by visiting Rutpen online at